Past Project Gallery

Past NY Mainstreet and CDBG Project (Gallery)

Port Hendy NYSM Downtown Revitalization Plan

CVNHP La Chute Trail Wayside Images

Past Housing Projects


PRIDE relies on people like you. We welcome your donations in any amount. Join us in making real change in 2023 by investing in our community’s future. Your support allows us to continue to provide safe and quality housing rehabilitation, tackle food insecurity, and promote revitalization in our downtown community.

Please use this Donation area if you would simply like to make a donation. If you would like to receive invitations to our events and meetings (and join the fun!), consider becoming a sponsor instead. CLICK HERE to learn more.

Your Open Donations go into the following funds:

  • End School Hunger Donation (Any amount)
  • Neighbors Helping Neighbors (Any amount)

(click the donate button above then enter your preferred membership level amount)